Associate programs

The Grand Chain site is all my own work, done in my own time. I pay for the domain and the web space, and for the internet access (remember I'm based in the UK where we don't have free local phone calls). Now, I'm happy to provide this service and bear the costs, but if you want to help out, here are various associate programs which I feel you may find useful, and which will also help cover my costs. In Association with

Amazon sell books, CDs and videos.

I have some recommendations of books on scottish dancing.

Scotch Corner have a collection of online shops, stocking various types of Scottish goods. Follow the links below:

The Clan Shop
Highland Dress
Scottish Jewellery
The Tartan Shop
The Games Shop
Scottish Prints
Gold Jewellery
The Celtic Store
Scotch Corner
Scotland's Golf Shop

Direct Watch Company

Scottish Central - virtual Scottish Shop

Return to the Scottish Dancing in Edinburgh home page.

Last updated 8-10-02 .

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any other original work) is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland

people have visited since the 15th January, 1997.

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